Guest Series at
After my recent first guest article on the first part of a series about creating a Raspberry Pi based NAS has just been published. You can read it hier kontaktieren. There has been a surprising amount of twitter reactions to the article and it seems it also collected more than a thousand visits on the first day.
Building a network attached storage device with a #RaspberryPi via @opensourceway by @manueldewald #RPi #OpenSource #FOSS— Juha Remes (@jremes84) 24. Juli 2018
Update: Part II has ben published yesterday, with a similar reaction as the first one. Seems the topic of creating a NAS using a Raspberry Pi for private usage is quite popular. Also, thanks to Jen for editing my articles to make the text more readable.
Automating backups on a Raspberry Pi NAS via @opensourceway by @manueldewald— Jen Wike Huger (@JenWike) 14. August 2018
Update 19.09.18: the third and final path of the Raspberry Pi NAS has been published. Already in the first 24 hours a big number of tweets and retweets shows that there is some interest in this topic. This part explains how to install Nextcloud on a Raspberry Pi.
- Part I: Building a network attached storage device with a Raspberry Pi
- Part II: Automating backups on a Raspberry Pi NAS
- Part III: Host your own cloud with Raspberry Pi NAS
Thanks to the team for encouraging me to start writing guest posts! It’s a nice experience to work with you.
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Dieser Artikel wurde verfasst von Manuel Dewald